/q command

The /q command is used to ask a question against the documents and information that have been stored with PNYXBot for your server

The default permissions for /q allow everyone to use this command in any channel. To change default behavior change the slash command permissions in your discord server through the App / Integration options.

/q ask

This command will trigger a prompt for the user to enter their question. PNYXbot will then analyze all the documentation and information that’s been shared with it to generate a message. The user who asked the question will also be able to rate the response with a 👍or 👎emoji. The response ratings are available to the server admins for review and used as a feedback mechanism for PNYX to improve its modeling process. We encourage users to provide feedback to responses!

/q check

This command summarizes the user’s engagement with PNYXbot within the current server and across all servers. This will have an impact on future $PNYX token access. More details will be announced in the PNYX discord

Last updated