What is Pnyx?

Pnyx is an AI-powered app that summarizes discussion from all the Telegram’s and Discord’s you’re in (where the bot is installed) and delivers it to you every day in one feed.

Why should I use Pnyx?

See where mindshare is across all the groups servers you’re in from one place. Uncover trends and opportunities early. Stay-up-to date without having to go through thousands of messages. How does it work?

Every day, Pnyx will process all of the messages in your TG’s and Discords where the bot is installed and summarize it into one feed. You can view your feed based on project/token or by community. You can also see which projects are getting the most mindshare, and can bookmark and make notes on things you want to come back to. How much does Pnyx cost?

Access is available by holding 10,000 $PNYX tokens in your wallet. There is no other monthly subscription cost at this time.

How do I sign-up for an account?

Visit pnyx.ai and click sign-up.

How do I install the Pnyx bot into a Discord or Telegram group?

Discord (must be a server admin): https://discord.com:2096/application-directory/1187620082554249337/ Telegram: https://t.me/Pnyx_bot

Step-by-step walkthrough can be found here.

Product What servers will show up in my summaries? If I’m in a private group can people outside of the group see the messages?

Your feed only includes summaries from servers you’re in (that have the Pnyx bot installed).

This is determined via the Telegram and Discord accounts that you connect to your account (each Pnyx account can have only 1 Telegram and 1 Discord account connected). If your TG or Discord account isn’t in a server/group, you won’t see that server’s information. Private information stays private.

I’m the owner/admin of a community. Why should I install Pnyx?

Pnyx helps more people see what’s going on in your server, even if they aren’t visiting every day. It helps amplify important messages and discussion from your server/group to improve engagement and increases the chance they’ll visit if they see something of interest. Pnyx also enables you to stay up-to-date with daily discussion within your community and find out what matters to them.

How often are summaries generated?

Summaries are generated daily. More frequent summary generation may be available in future tiers. Is there a limit on how many communities or servers I can add to my account?

No, Pnyxbot can be installed in an unlimited amount of Discord servers or Telegram groups. Add it everywhere you are - the more servers Pnyx is in, the better your feed!

What platforms are supported by Pnyx?

Pnyx supports Discord and Telegram.

Is Pnyx in the Discord App Directory?

Yes: https://discord.com:2096/application-directory/1187620082554249337/ Token

What are the tokenomics? 75% - Fair launch

15% - Community incentives (e.g. periodic airdrops to servers/groups with Pnyx installed), vesting over 6 months

5% - Partnerships/Marketing, vesting over 12 months

5% - Team, locked for 6 months Other

How do I pronounce “Pnyx”?

“NICKS” (our mantra: pee silently)

Last updated